Status: Excellent
"Ich bin ein berliner!" - John F. Kennedy
So, I am in Berlin and loving life. My flight from Fes to Frankfurt-Hahn on the 4th was uneventful, as was staying the night in Frankfurt-Hahn Airport so I could catch the 05h00 bus to Frankfurt Central on the 5th. There, I caught a bus at 07h30 to Berlin, and basically spent the rest of the day on the bus. I arrived in Berlin at 17h30, and there I met up with my friend Maria for the first time in a long time.
Maria was one of my exchange students while I taught at Myojo Gakuen High School in Japan, and from that we became friends. She is definitely one of the cooler people that I know in the world. Anyway, I have been staying with her and her family while in Berlin. Tonight is my last night in Berlin, and I will catch a bus back to Frankfurt tomorrow.
My schedule has completely changed because it turns out that Kuwait Airlines, which is the Airline I am flying to Bangkok, canceled the flight on Wednesday the 11th. The informed me of this by email and offered to reschedule me for the flight on the 12th. I replied saying that would be fine, but apparently they didn't receive the reply, because when I called them today, they said that since they hadn't heard from me, they didn't reserve me a seat and now that flight is full. I'm not sure what will happen now, as I am waiting for them to get back to me with my options.
Anyway, Berlin... What an excellent city! It's a really cool place. The feeling is, it's a really small city spread out over a big area. It really doesn't feel crowded here, nor very hectic. It feels like a smaller city. The public transportation is absolutely excellent, and cheap. Also, it is SO clean! The air actually smells really good (like fresh fallen leaves), much better than in Meknes, which is impressive considering that Berlin has 8x the population of Meknes. I haven't really been prepared for the cold weather (hey, I just came from Africa), but it is nice to experience a real autumn.
Anyway, I've been having a pretty good time hanging out with Maria and her friends. We've been out for drinks at a few places, and it is nice to drink really good beer for a change. :D Maria took me around a bit, and I have managed to get my shopping done as well. Today, while Maria was in class, I wandered around on my own for a bit and managed to take a few pictures.
Anway, Berlin has been great. I'm almost sad to be leaving, but, hey, that's the usual thing on these kinds of journeys. Next stop is Frankfurt, Germany.
A night in Berlin |
A day in Berlin |
ハァー、ベルリンか… ここに来てすごく楽しんでいるよ。4日にフェズからフランクフルトは問題なしで5日に空港からバスターミナルまでのバスに乗るのも問題なしでベルリンまでのバスも全然問題なかった。それでベルリンに着いたらすごく久しぶりにマリアに会ったんだ。
マリアは俺が明星学園高校で働いてた時に留学しに来たんだ。その時に結構いい友達になった。本当にすごくかっこういい人なんだよー!(^o^)v とにかくマリアの家に泊まっている。明日はフランクフルトの戻るんだけど。
とにかく、ベルリン… 最高!本当にすごくいい都会。なんか広くても小さい町って感じなんだ。そんな混んでなくてそんなに忙しくない都会って感じなんだ。公共輸送機関(バスとか電車など)もすごいよ。全然遅くなくて、日本のより安い!そしてベルリンはすごくきれい。モロッコがすごく汚くてここに来てきれいな国で嬉しいんだ。でもあったかい服をあまり持ってないからちょっと寒いよね。まぁ、もうすぐタイへ行くから我慢できる。
3 件のコメント:
Hi, I've been thinking about sending an email because I found that I have a story which YOU might be able to share but since I've been too busy, I couldn't... Anyway, good luck in Thailand! I think you can enjoy the country and the food. One of my classmates is from Thailand, and I've heard some interesting story about her country. I'm so glad that you had a good time in Berlin because I like there and I miss Maria.
Has anyone ever told you that you look like Barack Obama?