Location: Meknes, Morocco
Status: excited
Can't read Japanese? Scroll down for English.
久しぶり!全然書いてないね。とにかくもうすぐモロッコを出るんだ。9月末に今の契約が終わって、次はタイへ行くよ!超楽しみにしている。1年間モロッコにいて、もういいって感じだなぁ… モロッコは悪くないけど、俺のタイプな国じゃない。なんか波長が合わないって気持ち。まぁとにかく今度のブログはモロッコについて沢山書くつもりだから楽しみにしててね。
タイへ行くよ!予定は10月4日にドイツのフランクフルトへ行って数日を過ごして10日に飛行機に乗ってバンコク へ!それから… まだ決めてない。もしかしてまた自転車で旅するかも…タイではどうかなぁ… とにかくドイツとタイにいるカウチサーファーに連絡して泊まる場所を準備している。そしてここでいろんなもの売ったり予防接種したり荷物を詰めたりしてモロッコを出る準備もしている。
楽しみだなぁ… 後2週間ちょっと…
それじゃ。 (^_^)v
アップデート: 航空券を買いました!10月4日の夜にフランクフルトへ飛んで10月10日にバンコクへ行くよ!よし!2週間で準備を終えなきゃ! p(^_^)q
Well, it's been a long time, and I haven't written here at all, but I'm leaving Morocco soon, so I though I should post a little something about my plans. My teaching contract ends at the end of September, and I'm going to Thailand! :D I'm really excited to be getting back on the road again and seeing more of the world. I've been in Morocco almost a year, and I'm more than read to move on. Morocco just isn't my type of country. It's not a bad place, but I just don't really fit in the rhythm of life here. Next time, I will write all about my time in Morocco and my thoughts on this country. Sorry to keep anyone who is interested waiting.
Anyway, I'm going to Thailand! My plan is to fly out of Fes to Frankfurt, Germany on the 4th of October. I will spend a few days in Frankfurt, get some important shopping done, and then fly to Bangkok on the 10th, arriving on the 11th. After that...well, I don't really know yet. I have some ideas, and if it seems feasible, I hope to travel once again by bicycle. I'm waiting to hear from people in Thailand about that. Anyway, I'm starting to get ready. I've been contacting CouchSurfers in Frankfurt and Bangkok trying to set up places to stay and cool people to meet. I've gotten a few replies, so there shouldn't be any problems there (I can't say enough how AWESOME CouchSurfing is! There are so many wonderful people all over the world participating). I've also been making preparations to leave Morocco: trying to sell stuff that I've acquired while here, getting vaccinations, packing, etc.
Anyway, not much to say, but I can't wait! Next stop: Southeast Asia!
Update: I bought my tickets. It's official. I am flying from Fes to Frankfurt on the evening of the 4th and then flying to Bangkok on the 10th. I have about 2 weeks to get everything prepared.
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