


I'm about to (try to) backpack around the world. I am currently in Japan, where I have been living for nearly 5 years, and I should be leaving within the next month or so. I still have a good amount of preparation and planning to do, at least about how I start my journey, but for now I am setting up this blog give everyone I know, and anyone else who is interested, a way to keep track of my progress. After I get out on the road, I will log in and post at least my location and status whenever possible, though there may be long stretches with no internet connections.

Feel free to post advice, comments, offers for places to sleep, or just to tell me how stupid you think I am.

More details will follow soon. The rest of this post is in Japanese for my friends who can't read English.

Location: <- 場所
Status: <-調子(元気とか風邪とか生きてるなど)



4 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...


Un. Sou nandakedo, romaji de kaku no ha



匿名 さんのコメント...

I hope that you're able to post updated links on (total)fark for reminders....

匿名 さんのコメント...

I'm very glad to read your brog and here your trip"SekaiIsshu"!
Please come back again when our gradnation ceremony!!

匿名 さんのコメント...

Looking forward to updates and pics. Good luck on the road!