
Going to Morocco / モロッコへ行くんだ。

Location: Alet les Bains, France
Status: rather excited

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ハァ、久しぶりに日本語で書いたね。とにかくでかいニューズが来たんだ。やっとこのAlet les Bainsという小さな町を出るんだ。最近仕事を探してて、やっと見つけた。だからこれからモロッコのメクネズという町へ行くんだ。そこでまた英会話の先生になるんだけど、それは来年の夏までなんだ。それまで仕事をして、お金をためて、また来年旅を続けるつもりなんだ。できたら、7000ユーロぐらいためたいと思うね。




Well, after about two months in this small town, I am finally about to move on from Alet les Bains, France. I hadn't moved on before this because I didn't have enough money to go anywhere that wasn't towards a source of income, so I have been searching for jobs. I finally found one, well, two, actually. The first I found was in Istanbul, Turkey, but I don't have enough money or time to get there. However, I just received a job offer in Meknes, Morocco, which I am happy to accept.

I will be teaching English at the American Learning Center of Meknes, and while I am there I will hopefully be able to save up money to continue my travels next year. I'm hoping to try to save around 7000 euros if I can.

I'm looking forward to moving on, even though I do like this little town very much. However, I am excited to be traveling to another continent (my 4th) and to experience another culture. I hope things will work out well there, and I'm not worried that they won't. With luck, I will continue to improve my French and learn a bit of Arabic as well.

Anyway, I need to get ready to go.
